Monday, October 6, 2014

Positive Stress


  1. As an SPA student, the vigorous academics can create a lot of stress in my life so while reading this article I was surprised by many of the arguments made. I definitely agree that approaching stress with a positive mindset sets one up to succeed in tackling it, however where is the line for too much stress? Yes, one should stay busy and challenge one’s mind intellectually but it is still true that stress can negatively affect one’s health. Striving to find a balance between motivated through some stress vs. overwhelmed is hard.

  2. Positive Stress is an interesting article because it debunks three assumptions about stress, all of which I believed. The first myth is that stress is usually caused by having too much work. This seems like common sense to me, if you have too much work you'll be stressed, but the article argued the exact opposite. It stated that if you are bored, then you'll have symptoms of stress. This was interesting, because I usually relate boredom to being stress free, but I guess I was wrong. The second myth is that stress is all bad. This again seemed like a true statement, but it turns out that if you change your mindset about stress it can help you. The third myth is that stress is inevitably unhealthy, while the author states that this maybe partially true, they argue that all you need to do is change your mindset and it can in fact be good for you. Something that the article failed to mention was how people can change their mindsets about stress.
