Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Narcissism and Age



  1. The reasons why older people may be less nariccistic presented in this articles are fairly convincing. However, I think they're limited in a sense as many old people actually experience severe pain, loss of loved ones, and sometimes a second chilhood of sorts in which they feel entitled to things because they're older, wiser. My own parents represent this amibiguity as one parents claims to be enjoying the process of aging, finding new hobbies, helping me with some serious insight, while the other is anxious about it, working out religiously, eating super healthfully and travelling to hipper, young, exotic locales. Just a thought. So while older people may feel less insecure, they also take on an entire new set of problems, namely feeling discarded, forgotten, sick, or lonely.

    1. Lately, I have read numerous articles on the narcissistic tendencies of our generation, “the millennials”. With the rise of social media, likes, favorites, and retweets have begun to play a significant role in the lives of adolescents. I don’t know the best way to prove our generation is more narcissistic but the trend is a reality. On the other hand, slef obsession can also be a generational difference, as pointed out by the article. I believe both theories are partially true because, yes, our generation IS experiencing a new rise in social media usage.
